A groundbreaking conference that takes an unprecedented exploration of extreme environments from a human-centric perspective. delve into earth’s most ancient ecosystems and embark on journeys into the vastness of outer space, exploring territories once deemed uninhabitable. join a diverse group of experts as they unravel the complexities of these formidable yet fascinating habitats. through captivating discussions and pioneering research presentations, we aim to uncover the secrets of adaptation and resilience in extreme conditions. be part of this extraordinary journey to decipher the mysteries of extreme environments and the remarkable adaptability of life in the face of nature’s harshest challenges.
Read moreAn exhibition of photography and artefacts from the belgian antarctic expedition (1897-1899) including a special exhibit by romanian scientist, emil racoviță on loan from the vaslui museum, romania. the event includes a panel discussion on "legacies of belgica: 125 years of polar science and exploration", featuring dr. oana marcu and dr. sarah pickman.
in parallel, from june to november, museum mas in antwerp presents the belgica's polar pioneers, an exhibition that includes racoviță's original travel journal, on loan from museum antipa, bucharest. Read moreAn alternative zoology exhibition where artists and academics present the significant environmental benefits of wasps. combining digital objects, 3d prints, interactive views, and narative animations, the exhibition offers an insight into the life of tiny parasitoid wasps.
Read moreAdventure in nature: event dedicated to emil g. racoviță. the event is part of the orașul acasă 2023 project and will take place at t-emporary 23 in cluj-napoca, 23 traian str.
Read morePatrick DeDeckker, Australian National University
Lecture at clubul casei universitarilor, 1 emmanuel de martonne str., cluj-napoca, romania, on may 4th, 2023 at 17:00 (eest).
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